Yacon Helps You Lose Weight

Yacon helps you lose weight, but what is yacon? The botanical names of yacon are Smallanthous sonchifolious, Polymnia edulis, Polymnia sonchifolia. Originally from South America and primarily grows in the Andes of Peru, Colombia, and Argentina. It was transplanted in small scale to different countries like New Zealand, Australia, Japan, China, South Corea, Philippines, United […]

Weight Fluctuation

This article is going to discuss weight fluctuation. You go to a scale and you weigh yourself in the morning, you may notice that you lost some weight, possibly a few ounces. When you weigh yourself in the afternoon, you are not always happy because you notice that you may have gained some weight since […]

Psychology Of Weight Loss

Psychology Of Weight Loss This article discusses the psychology of weight loss and how can we help ourselves to maintain the weight that we accomplished. This is done using mind exercises that will develop the acceptance of the new body image. Eating right and exercising are very important pillars for good health. When we lose […]

Obesity In America

Obesity in America is a big health problem that leads to other chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Millions of people always think about food. When the next meal will be, what will be eaten, and is there time for a snack? They think these thoughts not because there is a shortage of […]

How To Beat The Winter Blues

This article will tell you how to beat the winter blues. For those that are unaware of the winter blues, it is a phenomenon that makes individuals feel sad in Winter. Winter Blues is known by the name of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). By Jiri Hodan [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Toothache Natural Remedy

This article about a Toothache Natural Remedy will relate my experience about how a tooth ache almost ruined my Winter Holidays and how I fixed it 100% naturally until I go to the dentist. Happy New Year to all my readers !!.We get together with friends and family to celebrate the end of the year […]

Walk Your Weight Off

Walk Your Weight Off Walk your weight off and feel relaxed in the process. Walking is not a strenuous activity. You don’t need to be a PowerBuilder to walk around. You can take a few minutes to walk around the neighborhood , the local park or a treadmill and it will improve your mood, attitude, […]


INTERVAL TRAINING FOR WEIGHT LOSS Interval training for weight loss is an important topic to consider. The parasympathetic system and the sympathetic system of the body are part of the nervous system. The parasympathetic system is associated with the “digest and rest” reflexes where the body is calm and relaxed. The sympathetic system is associated […]

Thanksgiving Meal Menu

Here a Thanksgiving Meal that you will enjoy : OVEN-ROAST TURKEY BREAST I prepared only the turkey breast, my family is small (8 Portions). Turkey breast is low-calorie and a good source of protein. Ingredients: 1- 5 lb Turkey breast already de-thawed , follow the instructions on the package. 2-  Spice Islands Turkey Rub Savory […]