Yacon Helps You Lose Weight


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We discussed in this article how yacon helps you lose weight.

14 thoughts on “Yacon Helps You Lose Weight

  1. Interesting post about Yacon helping you lose weight.
    Anything that can help with losing weight is worth looking into, and this looks like a healthy and safe way to go about it!
    I will do some more research on Yacon, as this sound promising!
    Cheers 🙂

    • Yes, yacon is a healthy and safe product that helps you lose weight and makes you healthier. Tastes good too if you want to use it as a sweetener. Thank you for your comment

  2. Wow, this is something that I’ve never heard of and I am both petite and wanting to release some weight, so I am super excited! Thank you!!

  3. Hi Shellie, yes, yacon can help you release some weight, it has been used for a lot of years in its different forms. Thank you for your comment.

  4. JJ

    Seems I need some yacon. This is the first time I am hearing about this plant.  I have been battling with about 6 pounds for over a year. I have used different diets and programs. I don’t eat much and I am fit. There are just these last few pounds that might need  with a yacon nudge. About how long does it take to show results?

    • Nieves I.

      It depends on how often you substitute all carbohydrate-rich foods, like bread, pasta, rice, potato, cookies, with greens and add yacon. If you can do that, I could say that you would begin to feel lighter in a week. Try with a small portion first and see how you feel. You have to be consistent and eat a variety of other nutritious foods according to your size. Thank you for your comment.

  5. mohammadahm1

    I have benefited greatly by reading your article.You discuss in your article about Yacon . You also said yacon helps to lose weight, it’s importance, it’s uses etc. After reading your article i have learned in this topics clearly. Lot of information through your article. So, Thank you very much for sharing your article.      

    • Nieves I.

      I am glad you find this article useful and informative. Yes, yacon has a lot of health benefits. Thank you for your comment.

  6. John

    This is great and interest article . I am so much interested in any product that can reduce the unnecessary weight. Yacon ? I have never heard it and I believe I need to research more on yacon because I have people at my home who need to loss weight. May I ask where can we find yacon? Can it be find in supermarket or where? Thanks for this great information.

    • Nieves I.

      Hi, yacon is very good to help with losing weight, it has been studied since the ’50s. Yacon is available in places that sell vitamins and supplements. It is available in Amazon too, the article has some links from Amazon in the different forms, powder, syrup, and capsules. Thank you for your comment.

  7. coralie

    I have never heard of this plant before, but it certainly has many of the things that we look for in any kind of weight loss product. Seems like the best way to eat it really is in a salad.

    The health benefits of lowering inflammation really appeals to me, so I think I may have to check this Yacon out.

    Your review, really breaks down everything from how and where it grows, to the amazing health benefits.

    Great job

    • Nieves I.

      Yes, one of the best ways is of eating it on a salad when it is raw, you can boil it too and eat it as a substitute of sweet potato, or use it as an edulcorant as a syrup or powder. Thank you for your comment.

  8. I agree!

    • I am glad you find the content helpful. Thank you for your comment!

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