Lululemon Silverescent Shirts

Product Review : Lululemon Raspberry 5 Mile Long Sleeve Shirt

Price: $ 77.99 (Retail)

You can buy  Lululemon Raspberry 5 Mile Long Sleeve Shirt at

My Rating : 9.5 out of 10


Lululemon Raspberry 5 Mile Long Sleeve Shirt are good for running and strenuous exercises.

When you do exercises, specially long distance running, you sweat a lot.
Endurance training teaches your body to sweat more and sooner to keep your body temperature low allowing you to continue running.

A fit person, regarding of the type of exercise, sweats more, can push harder and generates more heat. A fit person sweats more, with the sweating you lose water, this is why hydration is very important.

There are a number of studies that show that the faster marathon runners are more hydrated that the slower marathon runners.

Because all this sweating Lululemon’s customers asked for a solution to all the sweating and stench during, after the exercise and after the washing of the exercise clothing.
This is why they created the Silverescent technology that is a new material made of silver and nylon threads that they mix with cotton and/or polyester.

Silver is an antimicrobial that helps the body and keeps the material of the clothing fresh, clean and is anti stink, the shirt will not smell bad during and after use and it is easy to wash.

Lululemon Raspberry 5 Mile Long Sleeve Shirt
are soft and feel fresh even you are doing the exercise. The material partially absorbs the sweat and helps it to dry faster making it comfortable for the runner to continue running until the training is finished.

I hand wash the Silverescent shirts or I wash them in the washing machine with cold water, regular detergent in a delicate cycle. I hang them in a drying rack to dry.

Lululemon Silverescent has shirts for men and women in different sizes and colours.

Buy Lululemon Silverescent shirts and pants at through the links at the bottom of the page.
Thank you.


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